Monday, November 13, 2006

Week 10 - Update

Well, this morning marks two highly impressive blog-related milestones...

Firstly, this is now the 10th week anniversary of the blog - ten weeks ago today I'd not yet had the idea to apply for 100 unsuitable jobs (the eureka moment was still a few hours away). Oh how things have changed, eh? Well, actually not an awful lot - after all, I still have no job and no money! And, as for the second milestone, well - as luck would have it - this is my one hundredth posting on the blog. See, I told you you'd be impressed!

I felt as if I should celebrate somewhat (perhaps a cup of tea and a fudge cookie?) and decided that I would let you in on my newly-created Amazon wish list (packed with hi-tech, high priced goodies) in case there are any benevolent millionaire types reading who feel like spoiling me. May I also remind said benevolent millionaire types that my birthday is now only just over a month away and that joint 100th blog posting/birthday presents are acceptable...

In other news, there's going to be another article on my blog in the local newspaper - although, unlike the last one, I've not had any input into this one so I'm a little worried as to how I'll be portrayed. The last article made me sound quite nice, whereas it's entirely possible this new one could make me sound like a complete raving lunatic (and there's little I hate more than when the press tells the truth!).

Finally, in job news, I'm afraid the Irish Cricket Union has turned down my application to be their National Cricket Coach. Well, all I can say is, if they don't win the next Cricket World Cup, I hope they don't come crying to me, begging me to solve their problems. I'm sorry Ireland, you've had your chance!


Gill said...

If you do find a benevolent miilionare type could you ask him if he would like to fund a small poetry press? Happy 100th blog btw.

Gill said...

er I meant 10th week. Doh! poets should not try and do sums